Monday, February 3, 2020

Intermoutain Health Case Study Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Intermoutain Health Case Study - Assignment Example d the interdependence between the physicians and the health care team thus ensuring that IHC’s clinical care was affordable and of high quality (Bohmer et al, 2002). The measurable impact of Dr. James clinical integration program has been the increase in the competiveness of the institution within the health care industry in the region. To this effect, IHC enrolled 40% of the insured population of Utah to its Health Plans. The institution as well enrolled a significantly huge number of second tier insurers with 85,000 public employees, 73,000 educators, 52,000 mail handlers, 60,000 from CIGNA, 48,000 from Aetna, and 45,000 from Desert Mutual. The institution as well enrolled many smaller insurers with fewer than 20,000 enrollees. In essence, the clinical integration program introduced by Dr. James enabled the institution enroll about 40% to 60% of the insured population to its Health Plans (Bohmer et al, 2002). The fundamental attitudes towards variability in clinical practices exhibited in this case include cost and quality. In this regard, the attitude of cost aims at reducing the cost of clinical practices to ensure that the institution incurs minimal costs in its provision of health care services. The attitude of quality is the most fundamental attitude towards variability in clinical practices in which case it denotes the effectiveness and efficiency of the clinical practices. This attitude is fundamental as it influences the attitude of cost on the basis that high standards of quality influence minimal costs for clinical practices (Bohmer et al, 2002). The role of the shadow organization in clinical continuous quality improvement is to foster and influence the continuous quality improvement process by undertaking initiatives that aim at ensuring continuous quality improvement. In light of this, Intermountain Health Care serves this role through its initiation and continuous undertaking of quality improvement initiatives. This aspect of the organization

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